Sandwich Panels: Assumptions and calculations

In this topic

Assumptions used by model

The layered structure of sandwich panels leads to significant differences in properties in the in-plane and through-thickness directions. Even though both the in-plane and through-thickness properties are calculated by the Synthesizer, the structure of the MaterialUniverse database means that only one direction can be specified in a selection project.

As a result, the values quoted on the material datasheet represent the performance in the direction that is most important for design. In general, the datasheet quotes in-plane properties. The exceptions are: flexural modulus, flexural strength, thermal conductivity, electrical resistivity and dielectric constant, which are through-thickness properties.

The 'secondary' through-thickness and in-plane properties, which are calculated by the model but are not considered critical for the design of most sandwich panels, are stored in the notes field at the bottom of the datasheet.

In determining the calculations for the sandwich panel model, the following assumptions have been made:

Note: In order to compare sandwich panels with conventional 'solid' materials, it is necessary to consider them as a 'monolithic' material with their own set of properties. This is achieved by calculating the equivalent material properties for the sandwich. Plotting these equivalent properties (e.g. , ) on a property chart (e.g. Ef vs. ρ) allows direct comparison with all other materials in the database.

Calculations used by model

Sandwich panel model calculations - Primary properties

The equations used by the model to calculate the primary properties are summarized below. All calculated properties are equivalent properties. For more information on the derivation of these equations see derivation of calculations.

For a definition of the symbols used, see symbols.

Sandwich panel construction showing core material B (thickness c) between two face sheets (material A, thickness t), with length L, width b and total thickness d.

Sandwich panel model calculations - Secondary properties

The following remaining properties are also calculated by the model. These properties, which are listed in the notes field at the bottom of the material, are not available for selection.

Summary of calculated properties and data required

A summary of the material properties required to calculate the equivalent sandwich panel properties is summarized in Table 2.

Table 2. Summary of properties required to calculate equivalent sandwich properties

Calculated 'equivalent' property Direction Properties required by calculation
Face-sheet Core
Density   Density Density
Price   Density
Young's modulus In-plane
Young's modulus Young's modulus
Flexural modulus   Young's modulus Shear modulus
Young's modulus
Yield strength In-plane
Yield strength Yield strength
Flexural strength   Yield strength
Young's modulus
Yield strength
Flexural strength
Young's modulus
Specific heat capacity   Density
Specific heat capacity
Specific heat capacity
Thermal expansion coefficient In-plane
Young's modulus
Thermal expansion coefficient
Young's modulus
Thermal expansion coefficient
Thermal conductivity Through-thickness
Thermal conductivity Thermal conductivity
Electrical resistivity Through-thickness
Electrical resistivity Electrical resistivity
Dielectric constant   Dielectric constant Dielectric constant
Dielectric loss tangent   Dielectric loss tangent Dielectric loss tangent
Embodied energy   Embodied energy
Embodied energy
CO2 footprint   CO2 footprint
CO2 footprint

See also


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