Further reading

In this topic

Hybrid materials - general

Ashby MF, "Materials Selection in Mechanical Design", 5th edition, Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann, Oxford, UK, 2016.

Ashby, M.F. and Brechet, Y. (2003) “Designing hybrid materials”, Acta Materialia, Volume 51, Issue 19, Pages 5801–5821.

Bendsoe, M.P. and Sigmund, O. (2003) “Topology optimization, theory methods and applications” Springer–Verlag, Berlin, Germany. ISBN 3-540-42992-1.

Kromm, F.X., Quenisset, J.M, Harry, R. and Lorriot, T. (2001) “An example of multimaterial design”, Proc Euromat’01, Rimini, Italy.

Cellular structures

Ashby, M.F. (2006) Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A vol. 364, 15–30

Ashby, M.F., Evans, A.G., Fleck, N.A., Gibson, Lorna J., Hutchinson J.W. and Wadley, H.N.G. (2000) “Metal Foams: a Design Guide” Butterworth Heinemann, Oxford. ISBN 0-7506-7219-6.

Deshpande, V.S. Ashby, M.F. and Fleck, N.A. (2001) “Foam topology: bending versus stretching dominated architectures”, Acta Mater, 49, 1035–1040.

Gibson, L.J. and Ashby, M.F. (1997) “Cellular solids, structure and properties”, 2nd edition, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK. ISBN 0-521-49560-1.

Gibson, L.J., Ashby, M.F. and Harley, B. (2010) “Cellular bio–materials”, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK.

Hutchinson, R.G. and Fleck, N.A. (2006) Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 756–782.


Ashby, M.F. (1993) “Criteria for selecting the components of composites”, Acta Mater. 41, pp. 1313–1335.

Budiansky, B. and Fleck, N.A. (1993) “Compressive failure of fibre composites”, J. Mech, Phys. Solids, Vol 41, pp. 183–2A.

Chamis, C.C. (1987) in “Engineers Guide to Composite Materials”, pp 3–8–3–24. Am. Soc. Metals, Materials Park, Ohio, USA.

Clyne, T.W. and Withers, P.J. (1993) “An introduction to metal matrix composites” Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK. ISBN 0-521-41808-9.

Hull, D and Clyne, T.W. (1996), “An introduction to composite materials”, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK. ISBN  0-521-38855-4.

Schoutens, J.E. and Zarate, D.A. (1986) Composites 17, 188.

Watt, J.P., Davies, G.F. and O’Connell, R.J. (1976), “Reviews of Geophysics and Space Physics”, 14, 541.

Sandwich panels

Allen, H.G. (1969) “Analysis and design of structural sandwich panels”, Pergamon Press, Oxford, UK.

Ashby, M.F., Evans, A.G., Fleck, N.A., Gibson, Lorna J., Hutchinson J.W. and Wadley, H.N.G. (2000) “Metal Foams: a Design Guide” Butterworth Heinemann, Oxford. ISBN 0-7506-7219-6.

Gill M.C. (2009) “Simplified sandwich panel design” http://www.mcgillcorp.com/doorway/pdf/97_Summer.pdf

Pflug, J (2006) Journal of Sandwich Structures and Materials, Vol. 8, No. 5, 407–421

Pflug, J. Vangrimde, B and Verpoest, I. (2003) “Material efficiency and cost effectiveness of sandwich materials”, Sampe US Proceedings.

Pflug, J. Verpoest, I and Vandepitte, D (2004) SAND.CORE Workshop, Brussels, December.

Wadley, H.N.G., Fleck, N.A. and Evans, A.G. (2003) Composites Science and Technology, 63, 2331–2343.

Zenkert, D. (1995) “An introduction to sandwich construction”, Engineering Advisory Services Ltd., Solihull, UK, published by Chameleon Press Ltd., London, UK ISBN 0-947817778.