
A Table is a compilation of information relevant to a single type of entities (records). For example, it may contain materials and their properties, or manufacturing processes. A Table can be thought of as one page of a spread sheet: with records (e.g. materials) in each row and a set of attributes (sometimes called properties, or 'fields') in the columns.

Each Table in the current database is represented by an entry in the Table list at the top of the Browse window in GRANTA EduPack (figure 1). The records in each Table are arranged into a hierarchical 'classification tree' structure.

The currently selected table is displayed in and navigated via the browse pane.

GRANTA EduPack can only perform selections on one table at a time — for example MaterialUniverse or ProcessUniverse. This table is called the Selection Table. The Selection Table is set for the current GRANTA EduPack 'Project'.