About functional data

Some material properties vary with respect to another properties. For example, many material properties vary with temperature. This type of data is represented in GRANTA EduPack as functional data.

Data often does not have a fixed value, but varies with some parameter. For example, many material properties vary with temperature; the cost of a manufacturing process, per unit, varies with the total number of units that are made; the height of a plant varies with its age.

To represent this type of data, GRANTA EduPack uses Functional Range and the Functional Point data types. The functional data is stored in the database either as a set of discrete points, or as a mathematical expression.

In GRANTA EduPack the two functional data types behave exactly like the Range and Point data types, except that their value depends on the value of their associated parameters.

Young's modulus, for example, varies with temperature, and certain material datasheets contain the functional attribute "Young's modulus with temperature". The data value is evaluated at the default project parameter values, although this can be changed by editing the parameter values.

Functional data value in the datasheet

The variation of the functional attribute with its associated parameters may also be viewed as a graph. One parameter is plotted on the x-axis, and the value of the attribute is plotted on the y-axis.

Functional data graph

If a functional attribute is dependent on more than one parameter, the values of the other parameter are fixed. You can edit the values for the fixed parameters, or you can use the project defaults. These values apply only to the displayed graph.

In GRANTA EduPack, it is possible to view but not edit the raw data points for the graph.

Selection with functional data

Functional attributes can be selected on. In a selection, all parameter values must be fixed.

In a Limit stage, the fixed parameter values apply to that stage only, but apply to all attributes in the stage.

In a Chart stage, the fixed parameter values apply only to the axis of the chart for which they are set.

For example, on a chart with 'Young's Modulus with Temperature' on the y-axis, you can change the temperature from the default of 300K to 550K.

Young's modulus at 300 Kelvin plotted against density.
Young's modulus at 550 Kelvin plotted against density.