Using search operators

Construct an advanced search string with Boolean logic operators and phrases.

A Boolean query uses AND, OR, and NOT to narrow the search results. Here are examples of what you might type in the search field when you use search operators:

? Wildcard character representing one unknown search character. Alumin? will find results containing Alumina or Alumino, but not Aluminum.
* Wildcard character representing unknown search characters. Alum* will find results containing Aluminum, Alumina, or Alumino.
AND Finds both terms in a record. steel AND alloy will find results containing both the words 'steel' and 'alloy'
OR Finds either term in a record. steel OR alloy will find results containing either the word 'steel', the word 'alloy', or both
NOT Finds records that contain the first term but not the second. steel NOT alloy will find results containing the word 'steel' but not the word 'alloy'
Phrase Search Finds a phrase in a record. The phrase must be enclosed in double quotes. "steel alloy" will find results with the words 'steel' and 'alloy' located next to each other
Parentheses Parentheses serve to group terms. Parentheses cannot be empty. iron AND (ore OR cast) will find results with 'iron' that also contain 'ore' or 'cast'