Cost audit data tables

This feature is not available with GRANTA EduPack 2020 Introductory.
Data used by the Enhanced Eco Audit tool for cost auditing.

  1. Country fuel costs
  2. Energy conversion factors
  3. Country labor costs
  4. Transport factors
  5. Energy conversion factors
  6. Value of recycled material and manufacturing scrap
  7. Use phase: Static mode
  8. Use phase: Mobile mode

Country fuel costs


Electricity (USD/MJ)

Gasoline (USD/MJ) Diesel (USD/MJ) LPG (USD/MJ) Kerosene (USD/MJ) Oil (USD/MJ)
Domestic Commercial Domestic Commercial
World 0.0444 0.0258 0.0302 0.0265 0.0219 0.0142 0.0173 0.0089
Europe 0.0677 0.0351 0.0461 0.0415 0.0307 0.0142 0.0225 0.0106
Former USSR 0.0176 0.0111 0.0277 0.0199 0.0165 0.0142 0.0119 0.0066
North America 0.0342 0.0193 0.0233 0.0232 0.0176 0.0142 0.0179 0.0081
South America 0.0454 0.0265 0.0313 0.0237 0.0226 0.0142 0.0168 0.0093
Asia 0.0338 0.0234 0.0290 0.0238 0.0214 0.0142 0.0155 0.0090
Pacific 0.0567 0.0323 0.0301 0.0299 0.0266 0.0142 0.0137 0.0077
Middle East 0.0356 0.0261 0.0135 0.0109 0.0101 0.0142 0.0117 0.0060
Australia 0.0561 0.0318 0.0283 0.0303 0.0262 0.0142 0.0131 0.0076
Austria 0.0621 0.0294 0.0423 0.0389 0.0310 0.0142 0.0199 0.0098
Belgium 0.0803 0.0312 0.0434 0.0447 0.0219 0.0142 0.0163 0.0083
Brazil 0.0472 0.0268 0.0334 0.0247 0.0245 0.0142 0.0155 0.0089
Canada 0.0295 0.0219 0.0271 0.0258 0.0258 0.0142 0.0200 0.0083
China 0.0222 0.0126 0.0317 0.0263 0.0233 0.0142 0.0147 0.0085
Czech Republic 0.0433 0.0248 0.0414 0.0384 0.0265 0.0142 0.0187 0.0064
Denmark 0.0944 0.0535 0.0474 0.0411 0.0348 0.0142 0.0321 0.0118
Finland 0.0472 0.0232 0.0483 0.0439 0.0355 0.0142 0.0249 0.0124
France 0.0508 0.0299 0.0471 0.0434 0.0373 0.0142 0.0217 0.0114
Germany 0.0916 0.0398 0.0474 0.0389 0.0269 0.0142 0.0164 0.0072
Greece 0.0530 0.0276 0.0506 0.0426 0.0354 0.0142 0.0272 0.0104
Hungary 0.0349 0.0247 0.0369 0.0382 0.0335 0.0142 0.0206 0.0103
Iceland 0.0154 0.0087 0.0509 0.0474 0.0373 0.0142 0.0236 0.0136
India 0.0222 0.0126 0.0311 0.0266 0.0292 0.0142 0.0144 0.0083
Ireland 0.0677 0.0330 0.0474 0.0413 0.0348 0.0142 0.0187 0.0172
Italy 0.0769 0.0515 0.0523 0.0458 0.0304 0.0142 0.0336 0.0097
Japan 0.0615 0.0439 0.0377 0.0300 0.0277 0.0142 0.0180 0.0126
South Korea 0.0331 0.0266 0.0389 0.0324 0.0304 0.0142 0.0197 0.0127
Mexico 0.0222 0.0126 0.0291 0.0258 0.0214 0.0142 0.0118 0.0059
Netherlands 0.0489 0.0237 0.0509 0.0408 0.0304 0.0142 0.0286 0.0149
New Zealand 0.0556 0.0315 0.0429 0.0284 0.0315 0.0142 0.0167 0.0083
Norway 0.0290 0.0118 0.0531 0.0484 0.0390 0.0142 0.0331 0.0165
Poland 0.0431 0.0230 0.0377 0.0363 0.0254 0.0142 0.0198 0.0096
Portugal 0.0726 0.0348 0.0477 0.0405 0.0296 0.0142 0.0301 0.0159
Russia 0.0167 0.0094 0.0194 0.0179 0.0146 0.0142 0.0090 0.0052
Slovakia 0.0472 0.0347 0.0429 0.0384 0.0273 0.0142 0.0170 0.0085
South Africa 0.0417 0.0236 0.0343 0.0334 0.0252 0.0142 0.0159 0.0092
Spain 0.0747 0.0322 0.0406 0.0358 0.0308 0.0142 0.0195 0.0093
Sweden 0.0484 0.0167 0.0451 0.0450 0.0331 0.0142 0.0409 0.0204
Switzerland 0.0565 0.0371 0.0460 0.0479 0.0381 0.0142 0.0210 0.0105
Turkey 0.0368 0.0293 0.0334 0.0303 0.0281 0.0142 0.0277 0.0134
United Kingdom 0.0577 0.0348 0.0457 0.0453 0.0315 0.0142 0.0169 0.0084
United States 0.0349 0.0188 0.0217 0.0224 0.0159 0.0142 0.0180 0.0081

Energy conversion factors

Conversion factor MJ/litre MJ/kg
Oil 38 44
Diesel 38 44
Gasoline 35 45
Kerosene 35 43.8
LPG 26 42.5

Country labor costs

  Median Labor Cost USD/hour 
World 5.52
Europe 27.45
Former USSR 4.51
North America 24.96
South America 9.29
Asia 3.53
Oceania 33.36
Middle East 5.05
Australia 47.70
Austria 41.50
Belgium 52.20
Brazil 11.20
Canada 36.60
China 1.70
Czech Republic 11.90
Denmark 48.50
Finland 42.60
France 39.80
Germany 45.80
Greece 19.40
Hungary 8.95
Iceland 43.65
India 1.50
Ireland 38.20
Italy 34.20
Japan 35.30
South Korea 20.70
Mexico 6.36
Netherlands 39.60
New Zealand 24.80
Norway 63.40
Poland 8.25
Portugal 12.10
Russia 5.64
Slovakia 11.30
South Africa 5.03
Spain 26.80
Sweden 49.80
Switzerland 57.80
Turkey 5.52
United Kingdom (UK) 31.20
United States 35.70

Transport factors

Factor Description Unit Long-haul Air freight Short-haul Air freight

Sea/coastal freight

Rail freight Truck freight River/canal freight Helicopter
CMD  Critical Minimum Density kg/m3 167 167 20 20 267 20 200
SD   Switch Distance km 0 0 0 966 0 0 0
T1   Correction Factor % 70% 93% 93% 100% 100% 93% 100%
T2 Fixed Cost $/kg 2.21 2.21 0.144 0.04 0.035 0.144 0.776
T3 Variable Cost $/(kgkm) 0.000217 0.000217 0.0000025 0.000013 0.000099 0.0000025 0.0059

Energy conversion factors

Process Energy carrier Conversion factor
Adhesives, cold curing Electricity cost - commercial 33%
Adhesives, heat curing Electricity cost - commercial 33%
Construction Electricity cost - commercial 33%
Fasteners, large Electricity cost - commercial 33%
Fasteners, small Electricity cost - commercial 33%
Welding, electric Electricity cost - commercial 33%
Welding, gas Oil Commercial 100%
Electro-plating Electricity cost - commercial 33%
Baked coatings Electricity cost - commercial 33%
Painting Electricity cost - commercial 33%
Powder coating Electricity cost - commercial 33%
Coarse machining Electricity cost - commercial 33%
Fine machining Electricity cost - commercial 33%
Grinding Electricity cost - commercial 33%
Cutting and trimming Electricity cost - commercial 33%
Non-conventional machining Electricity cost - commercial 33%

Value of recycled material and manufacturing scrap

Generic material type Price of recycled material Value of Production Scrap 
Metal (ferrous) 0.93 0.49
Metal (non-ferrous) 0.65 0.31
Metal (precious) 1.00 0.90
Metal (other) 0.65 0.31

0 = not recyclable to same grade

Glass 0.81 0.10
Polymer (thermoplastic) 0.60 0.17
Polymer (thermoset)

0 = not recyclable to same grade

Elastomer (thermoplastic) 0 = not recyclable to same grade  
Elastomer (thermoset) 0.60 0.17
Natural material (biological)

0 = not recyclable to same grade

Natural material (organic)

0 = not recyclable to same grade

Electrical component

0 = not recyclable to same grade


Use phase: Static mode

Input and output type Product efficiency Energy equivalence, CO2 footprint, Cost, source ($/MJ)
    source (MJ/MJ) source (kg/MJ)  
Electric to thermal 1.00

Country specific

Country specific

Country specific

Electric to mechanical (electric motors) 0.89

Country specific

Country specific

Country specific

Electric to chemical (lead acid battery) 0.83

Country specific

Country specific

Country specific

Electric to chemical (advanced battery) 0.89

Country specific

Country specific

Country specific

Electric to em radiation (incandescent lamp) 0.17

Country specific

Country specific

Country specific

Electric to em radiation (LED) 0.86

Country specific

Country specific

Country specific

Fossil fuel to thermal, enclosed system 1.00 1.00 0.07

Country specific

Fossil fuel to thermal, vented system 0.70 1.00 0.07

Country specific

Fossil fuel to electric 0.35 1.00 0.07

Country specific

Fossil fuel to mechanical, internal combustion 0.30 1.00 0.07

Country specific

Fossil fuel to mechanical, steam turbine 0.40 1.00 0.07

Country specific

Fossil fuel to mechanical, gas turbine 0.48 1.00 0.07

Country specific

Light to electric (solar cell) 1.00 1.00 0.00


Use phase: Mobile mode

Fuel and vehicle type Energy Energy equivalence, CO2 footprint, Cost, source ($/MJ)
  (MJ/ source (MJ/MJ) source (kg/MJ)  
Diesel - ocean shipping 0.18



Country specific

Diesel - coastal shipping 0.27


Diesel - barge 0.40


Diesel - rail 0.35


Diesel - 55 tonne truck 0.71


Diesel - 40 tonne truck 0.82


Diesel - 32 tonne truck 0.94


Diesel - 26 tonne truck 1.10


Diesel - 14 tonne truck 1.50


Diesel - light goods vehicle 2.20


Diesel - family car 1.70


Electric - family car 0.17

Country specific

Country specific

Country specific

Electric - rail 0.11

Country specific

Country specific

Gasoline - hybrid family car 1.40 1.00 0.053

Country specific

Gasoline - family car 2.60 1.00 0.068  
Gasoline - super sports and SUV 3.40 1.00 0.068  
Kerosene - long haul aircraft 6.50 1.00 0.072

Country specific

Kerosene - short haul aircraft 13.00 1.00 0.072  
Kerosene - helicopter (Eurocopter AS 350) 55.00 1.00 0.072  
LPG - family car 2.60 1.00 0.064

Country specific