End of life calculations

Information on Eco Audit tool Disposal and EoL Potential calculations for energy usage and COfootprint.

  1. 'Disposal' calculations
  2. 'EoL Potential' calculations
    1. Landfill
    2. Combust for energy recovery
    3. Downcycle
    4. Downcycle: 'Reprocessing'
    5. Downcycle: 'Comminution' (crushing, grinding, shredding)
    6. Downcycle: 'Metal recovery'
    7. Recycle
    8. Re-manufacture
    9. Reuse
    10. None

The energy and CO2 footprint associated with a product's end of life are split into two distinct contributions: 'Disposal' and 'End of life (EoL) Potential' (see Figure 1).

'Disposal' includes the cost of: 1) collection of the material/component at end of life and, where applicable, disposal in landfill, and 2) separation and sorting of the collected material, ready for reprocessing by the proposed end of life route.

'EoL Potential' represents the end of life savings or 'credits' that can be realized in future life cycles by using the recovered material or components.

Disposal options include Collection, primary and secondary sorting, and landfill. EoL potential is gained by re-engineering and re-use after collection, combustion and downcycling after primary sorting, and remanufacturing after secondary sorting.

Note: As the 'credit' associated with the recovery and reuse of material/components lies outside the standard system boundaries for a product's life cycle, the 'EoL Potential' is displayed as a separate life phase. This enables:

  1. Determination of the environmental footprint of a product over its entire lifecycle (achieved by ignoring the 'EoL Potential' phase)

  2. Evaluation of the benefits of the various end of life options (achieved by considering just the 'EoL Potential' phase).

The first of these conforms to the system boundaries used in standard life cycle assessments, while the second enables designers to consider the impact of their design on potential end of life strategies. For example, knowing the benefits that can be achieved by recycling or reusing a material/component at end of life encourages design for disassembly.

'Disposal' calculations

Once a product has reached the end of its intended life, it will be collected and sorted ready for its intended end of life strategy. The energy (Hcollect) and CO2 footprint (CO2 collect) associated with these operations is determined by the following calculations, using the values in Table 1.

H_collect = (Hc + Hps +Hss)*r/100 + Hc*(1 - r/100); CO2_collect = alpha*H_collect, where r = % recovered, alpha = 0.07 kg/MJ, and Hc, ps and ss are the embodied energy of collection, primary sorting and secondary sorting.

  Collection Energy Hc (MJ/kg) Primary Sorting Energy Hps (MJ/kg) Secondary Sorting Energy Hss (MJ/kg)
Landfill 0.2 - -
Combustion 0.2 0.3 -
Downcycle 0.2 0.3 -
Recycle 0.2 - 0.5
Re-manufacture 0.2 - -
Reuse 0.2 - -
None - - -

Note: In certain versions of the tool, there is no option to specify a 'Recovery ratio'. In these cases, it is assumed that all material is recovered and processed by the selected end of life route (i.e. r = 100)

'EoL Potential' calculations

Once collected and sorted, the material is then 'processed' according to the selected end of life strategy. The energy (Hcredit) and CO2 footprint (CO2 credit) associated with future environmental savings is dependent on both the end of life route and the material type.

In calculating this end of life 'credit', the following assumptions are made:

The calculations used to determine the credit for each end of life option are detailed below:


Landfill is seen as the end of a product's life. As a result, no future energy benefits or costs are associated with this option.

Combust for energy recovery

The aim of this combustion technique is to recover the calorific content of a material. However, some of the benefit in recovering the embodied energy is offset by the carbon dioxide released. The levels of energy and carbon dioxide produced are calculated as follows:

Energy credit from combustion = -(Heat of combustion*combustion efficiency)*fraction recovered; CO2 recovered = (CO2 produced - 0.07*combustion efficiency*Heat of combustion)*fraction recovered.

Note: The (-a.Combeff.Hcal) term in the CO2combust equation relates to the CO2 saving achieved by not having to draw the recovered energy from the national electricity grid.


In downcycling a material is processed into a material of lower quality. Typical examples include the conversion of: PET drink bottles into fibers for fleece clothing, crushing concrete and brick for use as an aggregate replacement, and reprocessing PP packaging as a wood replacement (decking, park benches).

The environmental benefits of downcycling are dependent on both the downcycling technique and the relative reduction in material quality. The eco audit tool considers three main downcycling techniques: reprocessing, comminution (crushing, grinding, and shredding) and metal recovery (see Table 2).

Technique Applicable Materials
  • Metals
  • Thermoplastic polymers & thermoplastic elastomers (TPEs)
  • Ceramics, glasses, natural materials (organic & inorganic), thermoset plastics & elastomers
Metal recovery
  • Electrical components: Batteries, PCBs…

Downcycle: 'Reprocessing'

The energy and CO2 footprint calculations used for reprocessing are based on the equations used for recycling. The main difference is that downcycling leads to the replacement of material with lower performance, and lower embodied energy, than the material being downcycled. This is accounted for by applying a downcycling factor (ß).

Downcycling factor beta applied to the equations for recycling.

A lower downcycling factor (ß) has been applied for thermoplastics (0.2 relative to 0.5 for metal) as downcycling of these materials is less established than for metals, leading to the production of lower grade material.

In cases where no data appears on the material datasheet for recycling energy and CO2 footprint, values are estimated from the primary production data as follows:

A recycling factor, gamma, is applied to the primary production footprint and embodied energy. Gamma = 0.2 for metals and 0.4 for thermoplastics.

Downcycle: 'Comminution' (crushing, grinding, shredding)

The second downcycle route is the size reduction of materials into aggregate or filler replacement. As the energy level required for downcycling material by comminution is similar to that for producing virgin aggregate or filler, the environmental benefit is restricted to savings in transportation costs (i.e. downcycled aggregate is typically used at, or close to, its source).

Energy saved by comminuation = approx. 0.1*recycled fraction. CO2 = alpha*Energy of comminuation.

Downcycle: 'Metal recovery'

Electrical components are generally downcycled by recovering their metal content. This typically uses evaporation and condensation processes which, being energy intensive, lead to little or no reduction in energy or CO2 footprint. As a result, the eco audit tool defaults the downcycle savings to zero for these products.

Even so, it should be highlighted that metal recovery is both economically and environmentally viable as it conserves resources and reduces the amount of toxic material entering landfill sites.


In recycling, material is reprocessed into a material of similar quality. This leads to a saving of the energy and CO2 footprint associated with the production of virgin material, minus the energy and CO2 associated with the recycling process. The energy saving is calculated as follows:

Energy = (Embodied energy of recycled material - embodied energy of original grade)*recycled fraction. CO2 = (CO2 produced by recycling - CO2 produced by original grade)*recycled fraction.


By re-manufacture, components are recovered from an existing product, cleaned, inspected, repaired (if necessary) and reused in a new product or as a replacement part. It is estimated that, on average, the re-manufacturing process utilizes about 3MJ/kg. This leads to the following savings:

Energy or carbon savings = (Energy used or CO2 produced to re-work component - Embodied energy or CO2 footprint of component and waste)*fraction recovered.


Reuse is essentially the extension of a product's life. Examples include: the 'relifing' of aircraft when they reach the end of their intended design life, and items sold on Internet auction sites. As this end of life option involves no additional processing, maximum environmental benefits can be achieved:

Energy and carbon savings = Embodied energy or footprint of product * fraction recovered.


This option relates to products where there is no disposal at end-of life. For example, the foundations of a building that are left in the ground after demolition. As a result, no future energy benefits or costs are associated with this option.