Source of environmental data

The environmental data quoted in the GRANTA reference databases is drawn from many sources, listed below.

Geo-economic data

American Physical Society (2010) Energy Critical Materials - Securing Materials for Emerging Technologies (a report by the American Physical Society panel on Public Affairs and the Materials Research Society). (Data for rare earths and precious metals)

Chemsystems (2006) ( (Data for polymers)

Cheresources (2007) ( (Data for polymers)

Emsley J. (2002) Nature's Building Blocks, Oxford University Press (Data for elements)

Geokem (2007) ( (Data for metals and minerals)

International Rubber Study Group (IRSG) (2007) Vol 61 No 4/Vol 61 No 5, January/February (Data for rubber)

Pilkington Group Ltd. (2007), Prescot Road, St. Helens, Merseyside, UK (Data for glass)

Plastics Europe - Association of Plastics Manufacturers (2010) Plastics - the Facts 2010, An analysis of European plastics production, demand and recovery for 2009 ( (Data for polymers)

Pulp and Paper International ( (Data for paper)

US Department of Energy - Office of Policy and International Affairs (2010) Critical Materials Strategy ( (Data for rare earths and precious metals)

US Geological Survey (2010) Mineral Commodity Summaries 2010 ( (Data for metals and minerals.)

Winter M. (accessed 2010) Web Elements ( (Data for metals and minerals)


Material production: embodied energy and CO2

Alcorn A., Victoria University of Wellington, Centre for Building Performance Research, New Zealand (2003) Embodied Energy and CO2 Coefficients for New Zealand Building Materials (

Axion Polymers (2009) Material Information Data Book (

AggRegain, (2007), The Waste and Resources Action Program (WRAP), ( ISBN 1-84405-268-0 (Data and an Excel-based tool to calculate energy and carbon footprint of recycled road-bed materials)

AMC, (2006) Australian Magnesium Corporation (

APME, (1997, 1998, 1999, 2000) Association of plastics manufacturers in Europe "Eco profiles of the European plastics industry" Brussels, Belgium (

BCA (2007) "A carbon strategy for the cement industry", British Cement Association (

Boustead Model 5 (2007), Boustead Consulting, Black Cottage, West Grinstead, Horsham, West Sussex, RH13 7BD, Tel: +44 1403 864 561, Fax: +44 1403 865 284 (An established life-cycle assessment tool)

Boustead, I. (1999 - 2006) APME Association of Plastics Manufacturers in Europe, Report series

Building Research Establishment (2006) BRE Environmental Profiles database, BRE Environment Division, BREEM Center, UK

BUWAL (1996) Bundesamt für Umwelt, Wald und Landwirtschaft Environmental Series No 250, Life Cycle Inventories for Packaging. Volume I and II

Chapman, P.F. Roberts, F. (1993) Metals resources and energy, London: Butterworths

Chemlink Australasia (1997) (

Dhingra R., Overly J.G. and Davis G, University of Tennessee, Center for Clean Products and Clean Technologies (1999) Life-Cycle Environmental Evaluation of Aluminum and Composite Intensive Vehicles (

Ecoinvent (2011) Ecoinvent Database v3 (

Energy Information Association (2008) ( (Official energy statistics from the US Government)

ELCD (2008) ( (A high quality Life Cycle Inventory (LCI) core data sets of this first version of the Commission's European Reference Life Cycle Data System (ELCD))

ESD-SIC bv (2009) MVO verslag 2009 - Social Responsibility Report

European Aluminium Association (2000) (

European Commision Joint Research Center - Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (accessed 2011) (

Fasel D. And Tran M.Q. (2005) Availability of Lithium in the Context of Future D-T Fusion Reactors, Fusion Engineering and Design no. 75-79, p.1163-1168

Franklin Associates (accessed 2011) Various Life Cycle Inventories (

GreenSpec (accessed 2011) Table of Embodied Energy, CO2 Production and Density for Construction Materials (

GREET (2007) Argonne National Laboratory and the US Department of Transport ( (Software for analyzing vehicle energy use and emissions)

Hammond, G and Jones, C (2010) Inventory of Carbon and Energy (ICE) version 1.6a; Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Bath, Bath, UK. (

Hill, T. (2007) Civil Engineering Division, Cardiff University School of Engineering, Cardiff, UK

International Aluminum Institute (2000) Life cycle inventory of the worldwide aluminum industry, Part 1 - automotive (

Kemna, R., van Elburg, M., Li, W. and van Holsteijn, R. (2005) Methodology study eco-design for energy-using products Final Report (MEEuP Methodology Report), Van Holsteijn en Kemna BV (VHK), Delf, Netherlands (A report by the Dutch consultancy VHK commissioned by the European Union, detailing their implementation of an LCA tool designed to meet the EU Energy-using Products directive.)

Kennedy, J. (1997) Energy minimisation in road construction and maintenance, a Best Practice Report for the Department of the Environment, UK.

Lafarge Cement, Lafarge Cement UK, Manor Court, Chilton, Oxon, OX11 ORN

Lawson, B. (1996) Building materials, energy and the environment: Towards ecologically sustainable development RAIA, Canberra

Lime Technology (2007)

Ohio Deparment of Natural resources, Division of Recycling, (2005)

Patel M. and Jochem E. Gross Energy Requirements (GER) and Gross CO2 Emissions for Products of the Organic Chemical Industry.

Pilz, H., Schweighofer, J and Kletzer, E (2005) "The contribution of plastic products to resource efficiency", Gesellschaft fur umfassende analysen (GUA), Vienna, Austria

Plastics Europe (accessed 2011) Life Cycle Thinking (

Schlesinger, M.E. (2007) Aluminum recycling, CRC press. ISBN 0-8493-9662-X

Shen L. and Patel M (2008) Life Cycle Assessment of Polysaccharide Materials: A Review, Journal of Polymers and the Environment, Vol 16, p154-167

Stiller, H. (1999) Material intensity of advanced composite materials, Wuppertal Institut fur Klima, Umvelt, Energie, ISSN 0949-5266

Stripple H., Westman R. and Holm D. (2008) Development and Environmental Improvements of Plastics for Hydrophilic Catheters in Medical Care: An Environmental Evaluation, Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol 16, p1764-1776

Sustainable concrete (2008) ( (A web site representing UK concrete producers, containing useful information about carbon footprint)

Szargut, J., Morris, D.R., Steward, F.R. (1988) Energy Analysis of Thermal, Chemical, and Metallurgical Processes, Hemisphere, New York, USA

Szokolay, S.V. (1980) Environmental science handbook : for architects and builders, Lancaster: Construction Press

The European Council for Plasticisers and Intermediates (2001) Eco-profile of high volume commodity phthalate esters (

The Nickel Institute North America (2007), Nickel Institute, Toronto, Canada (

Waste Online (2008)


Material production: embodied energy and CO2, precious metals

GREET (2007) Argonne National Laboratory and the US Department of Transport ( (Software for analyzing vehicle energy use and emissions.)

London Platinum and Palladium Market,(2006) (

Lonmin Plc. (2005) 2005 Corporate Accountability Report, (

TEAM (2008). Tool for Environmental Analysis and Management. ( (TEAM is Ecobilan's Life Cycle Assessment software. It allows the user to build and use a large database and to model systems associated with products and processes following the ISO 14040 series of standards.)


Embodied and processes energies, water requirements for electronic components

Kuehr, R. and Williams, E., editors (2003) "Computers and the environment: understanding and managing their impacts", Kluwer Academic Publishers and United Nations University. ISBN 1-4020-1679-4. (A multi-author monograph on the environmental aspects of electronic devices, with emphasis on the WEEE regulations relating to end of life. Chapter 3 deals with the environmental impacts of the production of personal computers.)

Kemna, R., van Elburg, M., Li, W. and van Holsteijn, R. (2005) Methodology study eco-design for energy-using products (MEEuP Methodology Report), Van Holsteijn en Kemna BV (VHK), Delf, Netherlands (A report by the Dutch consultancy VHK commissioned by the European Union, detailing their implementation of an LCA tool designed to meet the EU Energy-using Products directive.)



AngloGold (2009) Sustainability Review 2009

Ecoinvent (2011) Ecoinvent Database v3 (

European Commision Joint Research Center - Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (accessed 2011) (

Norgate T.E. (2004) Water use in metal production a life cycle perspective, CSIRO Minerals Report DMR-2505

Phylipsen G.J.M. and Alsema E.A. (1995) Environmental Life-cycle Assessment of Multicrystalline Silicon Solar Cell Modules

Plastics Europe (accessed 2011) Life Cycle Thinking (

The European Council for Plasticisers and Intermediates (2001) Eco-profile of high volume commodity phthalate esters (

Water Footprint org (1997 - 2001) Water footprint of crop and livestock products for some selected countries

Water Footprint org (2010) The green and blue water footprint of paper products: Methodological Considerations and Quantification (

Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy (2002) Calculating MIPS: Resource Productivity of Products and Services

Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy (2002) Materials Intensity of Materials, Fuels, Transport Services


Aggregated measures: eco-indicators

EPS (1993) "Life cycle analysis in product engineering" Environmental Report 49, Volvo Car Corp. Gothenburg, Sweden.

Goedkoop, M., Effting, S., and Collignon, M., (2000) The Eco-indicator 99: A damage oriented method for Life Cycle Impact Assessment, Manual for Designers (14th April 2000) (

Idemat Software version 1.0.1 (1998), Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering, Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands.


Material processing: energy and CO2

Alcorn A., Victoria University of Wellington, Centre for Building Performance Research, New Zealand (2003) Embodied Energy and CO2 Coefficients for New Zealand Building Materials (

Allen D.K. and Alting L. (1986) Manufacturing Processes: Student Manual, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah, USA

BBC paint calculator (accessed October 2010) (

Bookshar D. (2001) Energy Consumption of Pneumatic and DC Electric Assembly Tools, Stanley Assembly Technologies, 5335 Avion Park Drive, Cleveland, OH 44143

Boustead Model 4 (1999), Boustead Consulting, Black Cottage, West Grinstead, Horsham, West Sussex, RH13 7BD, Tel: +44 1403 864 561, Fax: +44 1403 865 284

Bradley R., Griffiths A. and Levitt, M. (1995) CIRIA, Construction Industry Research and Information Association, Vol. F; Paints and Coatings, Adhesives and Sealants, ISBN 8 6017 8161

Branham M. (2008) Energy and Materials Use in the Integrated Circuit Industry, M.S. Thesis, Department of Mechanical Engineering, MIT

Branham M.S. and Gutowski T.G. (2010) Deconstructing Energy use in Microelectronics Manufacturing: An Experimental Case Study of a MEMS Fabrication Facility; Environmental Science and Technology, Vol 44, p 4295 - 4301

Ciceri N.D., Gutowski T. and Garetti M. (2010) A Tool to Estimate Materials and Manufacturing Energy for a Product, IEEE/International Symposium on Sustainable Systems and Technology, Washington D.C., May, p 16-19, 2010

Dalquist S. and Gutowski T. (2004) Life Cycle Analysis of Conventional Manufacturing Techniques: Die Casting, LMP-MIT-TGG-03-12-09-2004

Dietmair A. and Verl A. (2009) Energy Consumption Forecasting and Optimisation for Tool Machines, MM Science Journal, p62 et seq (

Draganescu F., Gheorghe M. and Doicin C.V. (2003) Models of machine tool efficiency and specific consumed energy, Journal Of Materials Processing Technology, Vol. 141, p. 9-15

Ecoinvent (2011) Ecoinvent Database v3 (

Energetics Inc. (1999) Energy and Environmental Profile of the US Metal Casting Industry (

Geiger O. (accessed 2010) Embodied Energy in Strawbale Houses (

Ghosh Chattopadhyay S. and Paul S. (2008) Modelling of specific energy requirement during high-efficiency deep grinding, International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, Vol. 48, Issue 11, p. 1242-1253

Groover M. P. (1999) Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing, John Wiley & Sons Inc, New York,.ISBN 0-471-36680-3

Gutowski T. S., Branham M. S., Dahmus J.B., Jones A.J. and Thiriez A. (2009) Thermodynamic Analysis of Resources used in Manufacturing Processes, Environmental Science and Technology, Vol. 43, p 1584-1590

Gutowski T., Dahmus J., Branham M. and Jones A.A. (2007) A Thermodynamic Characterization of Manufacturing Processes, IEEE International Symposium on Electronics and the Environment, Orland, FL. May 2007

Hammond G. and Jones C. (2010) Inventory of Carbon and Energy (ICE) version 1.6a; Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Bath, Bath, UK (

IDEMAT (2009) The University of Delft, Delft, Netherlands (most of this data is from EcoInvent 07)

Kemna, R., van Elburg, M., Li, W. and van Holsteijn, R. (2005) Methodology study eco-design for energy-using products Final Report (MEEuP Methodology Report), Van Holsteijn en Kemna BV (VHK), Delf, Netherlands ( (A report by the Dutch consultancy VHK commissioned by the European Union, detailing their implementation of an LCA tool designed to meet the EU Energy-using Products directive.)

Kent R. (2008) Energy Management in Plastics and Processing: Strategies, Targets, Techniques and Tools, Plastics Information Direct

Knapp K.E. and Jester T.L. (2000) An Empirical Perspective on the Energy Payback Time for Photovoltaic Modules, Solar 2000 Conference, Madison, Wisconsin

Krishnan N., Boyd S., Somani A., Raous S., Clark D. and Dornfeld D. (2008) A Hybrid Life Cycle Inventory of Nano-scale Semiconductor Manufacturing, Environmental Science and Technology, Vol 42, p 3069-3075

Kurd M. (2004) The Material and Energy Flow Through Abrasive Water Machining, BSc Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory report (2005) Energy Use and Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Steel Production in China, LBNL-47205, April 2005

McGeough J.A. (1988) Advanced Methods of Machining, Chapman and Hall, New York

Microelectronics and Computer Technology Corporation (1993) Environmental consciousness: A Strategic Competitiveness Issue for the Electronics for the Electronics and Computer Industry, Austin

Misha R.S. and Mahoney M.W. (2007) Friction Stir Welding and Processing, ASM International, Metals Park, Ohio

Murphy C.F., Kenig G.A., Allen D., Laurent J-P. and Dyer D.E. (2003) Development of parametric material, energy and emissions inventories for wafer fabrication in the semiconductor industry, Environmental Science and Technololgy, Vol 37, p 5373-5382

NASA (2003) NASA report on processing in space

Process Metallurgy International (1998)

European Benchmarking Survey of Energy Consumption (2005), Reduced Energy Consumption in Plastics Engineering (

Suzuki T. and Takahashi J. (2005) The Ninth Japan International SAMPE symposium, Nov. 29 - Dec. 2 (A detailed energy breakdown of materials for cars)

The Cast Metal Coalition (2005) ( (based on US National figures)

Thiriez A. (2006) An Environmental Analysis of Injection Molding, Masters thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA

Thiriez A. and Gutowski T. (2006) An Environmental Analysis of Injection Molding, IEEE International Symposium on Electronics and the Environment, San Francisco, California, USA, May p 8-11

Todd R.H., Allen D.K. and Alting L. (1994) Manufacturing Processes Reference Guide, US Environmental Protection Agency

US Department of Energy, Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (1997) Supporting industries energy and environmental profile

US Department of Energy (1997) (

US National Renewable Energy Laboratory (2010) (

Williams E. (2004) Energy Intensity of Computer Manufacturing: Hybrid Assessment Combining Process and Economic Input-Output Methods, Environmental Science and Technology, Vol 38, p 6166-6174

Worrell E., Galitsky C, Masanet E, Graus W (2008) Energy Efficiency Improvements and Cost Saving Opportunities for the Glass Industry: An Energy Star Guide for Energy and Plant Managers, Environmental Energy Technologies Division of Ernest Orlando Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Zhai P. and Williams E. (2010) Dynamic Hybrid Life Cycle Assessment of Energy and Carbon of Multicrystalline Silicon Photovoltaic Systems, Environmental Science and Technology


Recycling and end-of-life

AggRegain, (2007), The Waste and Resources Action Program (WRAP), ISBN 1-84405-268-0. (

Alcorn A., Victoria University of Wellington, Centre for Building Performance Research, New Zealand (2003) Embodied Energy and CO2 Coefficients for New Zealand Building Materials (

AMC (2006) Australian Magnesium Corporation (

Argonne National Laboratory, Energy Systems Division (2010) A Review of Battery Life-Cycle Analysis: State of Knowledge and Critical Needs

Boustead, I. and G.F. Hancock, 1979, Handbook of Industrial Energy Analysis, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York.

Chapman P.F. and Roberts F. (1983) Metal Resources and Energy. Butterworth and Co. Ltd, Thetford, Norfolk, England.

Chemlink Australasia (1997) (

Ecoinvent (2011) Ecoinvent Database v3 (

European Commission Directorate-General Joint Research Center (2005) Techno-economic Feasibility of Large-scale Production of Bio-based Polymers in Europe (Technical Report EUR 22103 EN)

EVTECA (1998) Total Energy Cycle Assessment of Electric and Conventional Vehicles: An Energy and Environmental Analysis, ANL/ES/RP-96387, provided by Argonne National Laboratory, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, and Pacific Northwest National Laboratory for the U.S. Department of Energy.

Franklin Associates (accessed 2011) Various Life Cycle Inventories (

GREET (2007) Argonne National Laboratory and the US Department of Transport ( (Software for analyzing vehicle energy use and emissions)

Geokem (2007) (

Hammond, G. and Jones, C. (2010) Inventory of Carbon and Energy (ICE) version 1.6a; Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Bath, Bath, UK (

Hill, T. (2007) Civil Engineering Division, Cardiff University School of Engineering, Cardiff, UK (

Hittman Associates (1980) Life Cycle Energy Analysis of Electric Vehicle Storage Batteries, H-1008/001-80-964, submitted to the U.S. Department of Energy, contract number DE-AC02-79ET25420.A000

Institute for Applied Ecology (accessed 2010) (

International Aluminum Institute (2000) Life cycle invertory of the worldwide aluminum industry, Part 1 - automotive (

Kemna, R., van Elburg, M., Li, W. and van Holsteijn, R. (2005) Methodology study eco-design for energy-using products Final Report (MEEuP Methodology Report), Van Holsteijn en Kemna BV (VHK), Delf, Netherlands ( (A report by the Dutch consultancy VHK commissioned by the European Union, detailing their implementation of an LCA tool designed to meet the EU Energy-using Products directive.)

Lafarge Cement (2007), Lafarge Cement UK, Manor Court, Chilton, Oxon, OX11 ORN

Lawson, B (1996) Building materials, energy and the environment, RAIA, Canberra (

Norgate T.E., Jahanshahi S. And Rankin W.J. (2007) Assessing the Environmental Impact of Metal Production Processes, Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol 15, p 838-848

Ohio Deparment of Natural Resources, Division of Recycling, (2005) (

Pilz, H., Schweighofer, J and Kletzer, E (2005) "The contribution of plastic products to resource efficiency" Gesellschaft fur umfassende analysen (GUA), Vienna, Austria

Schlesinger, M.E. (2007) Aluminum recycling, CRC press, New York, USA. ISBN 0-8493-9662-X

Sustainable Concrete (2008) (

The Nickel Institute North America (2007), Nickel Institute, Toronto, Canada (

US Environmental Agency (2007) (

US Geological Survey (2007) (

Waste online (2007) (


Transport and use energies

AggRegain (2006) CO2 emissions estimator tool, published by WRAP (Waste & Resources Action Programme, The Old Academy, 21 Horse Fair, Banbury, OX16 0AH (

Battery-powered cars: see (

Carbon Trust (2007) Carbon footprint in the supply chain (

Congressional Budget Office, US Congress (1982) Energy use in freight transportation, Washington DC.

International Chamber of Shipping, International Shipping Federation (2005) Annual review 2005 (

Howey, D.A., et al., Comparative measurements of the energy consumption of 51 electric, hybrid and internal combustion engine vehicles, Transportation Research D (2011), DOI 10.1016/j.trd.2011.04.001

Manicore (2008) ( (Useful discussion definition of oil-equivalence of energy sources.)

Network Rail (2007) ( (The web site of the UK rail track provider.)

Shell Petroleum (2007) How the energy industry works, Silverstone Communications Ltd., Towchester, UK ISBN978-0-9555409-0-5.

Transport Watch UK (2007) (

TRL UPR (1995) Energy consumption in road construction and use, Transport Research Laboratory, UK

US Department of Transportation Maritime Administration (1994) Environmental advantages of Inland Barge transportation


Fuel mix in electrical energy

Boustead Model 5 (2007), Boustead Consulting, Black Cottage, West Grinstead, Horsham, West Sussex, RH13 7BD, Tel: +44 1403 864 561, Fax: +44 1403 865 284, ( (An established life-cycle assessment tool.)

ELCD (2008) ( (A high quality Life Cycle Inventory (LCI) core data sets of this first version of the Commission's "European Reference Life Cycle Data System" (ELCD))

Electricity Information (2008) IEA publications, ISBN 978-9264-04252-0. (One of a series of IEA statistical publications about energy resources.)

IEA (2020), Monthly OECD electricity statistics, IEA, Paris
