View linked records for a record in a comparison table

This feature is not available with GRANTA EduPack 2020 Introductory.

For each record in a comparison table, you can see whether it is linked to records in other data tables, and view a browse tree of the linked records in each data table.

In the Comparison Table window:

  1. Note the column in which the record appears

  2. Scroll to the Links section at the end of the comparison table (if the section is hidden, click the arrow in the section heading to expand it).
    For each data table that contains records linked to your chosen record, the number of linked records is shown as a blue underlined link

  3. Choose a data table, and in the relevant record column, click the number of linked records. A browse tree showing the linked records is displayed in a separate Links window

  4. In the Links window, browse the linked records.