View and rank results from selection stages

Rank the results list to view which records have the maximum or minimum value for a specified property.

In the Results pane of the Select window

  1. From the Show list:

    • Select Pass all stages to view materials that pass all selection stages.
    • Select Stage n to view materials that pass only the selected stage, where n is an integer.

  2. Select an option from the Rank by list.

  3. Material results can also by ranked by clicking the appropriate table headers in the Results pane.

Example 1: Records that pass all stages, ranked alphabetically by record nameExample 1: Records that pass all stages, ranked alphabetically by record name

selection results ranked alphabetically

Example 2: Records that pass Stage 1, ranked by ascending y-axis attribute values (Young's modulus) for that stageExample 2: Records that pass Stage 1, ranked by ascending y-axis attribute values (Young's modulus) for that stage

Select window: Results, Rank by: Attribute