Composites (Simple Bounds): Assumptions and calculations

The equations used by the Synthesizer tool's Composites (Simple Bounds) model, and full details of the assumptions the model makes.

  1. Assumptions used by model
    1. All models
    2. Unidirectional composite model
    3. Short fiber composite model
  2. Calculations used by model
    1. Unidirectional composite model calculations
    2. Quasi-isotropic composite model calculations
    3. Particulate composite model calculations
    4. Short fiber composite model calculations
      1. Aligned
      2. Random
  3. Summary of calculated properties and data required
  4. See also

Assumptions used by model

This model uses continuum methods to predict the upper and lower bounds in performance expected from a composite. The unidirectional (UD) model represents the upper bound; the particulate model, the lower bound; and the quasi-isotropic (QI) model, the performance mid-way between the upper and lower bound. As a result, this model should be considered as a scoping tool to identify potential composite compositions, which could exhibit unique combinations of properties. It is not intended to be used as a detailed laminate analysis tool.

The anisotropic structure of continuous fiber reinforced composites can lead to significant differences in properties in the in-plane and through-thickness directions. In all cases the values quoted on the datasheet for the synthesized record represent the performance parallel to the principal reinforcement direction. For example, the properties quoted for a unidirectional fiber reinforced composite reflect the performance that is expected when the applied load is parallel to the fiber direction.

In determining the calculations for the composites (simple bounds) model, the following assumptions have been made:

All models

Unidirectional composite model

Short fiber composite model

Calculations used by model

Unidirectional composite model calculations

The equations used by the unidirectional fiber reinforced composite model are summarized below. For more information on the derivation of these equations see derivation of calculations.

For a definition of the symbols used, see symbols.

Quasi-isotropic composite model calculations

The equations used by the quasi-isotropic fiber reinforced composite model are summarized below. For more information on the derivation of these equations see derivation of calculations.

For a definition of the symbols used, see symbols.

Particulate composite model calculations

The equations used by the particulate reinforced composite model are summarized below. For more information on the derivation of these equations see derivation of calculations.

For a definition of the symbols used, see symbols.

Short fiber composite model calculations

The equations used by the short fiber reinforced composite model are summarized below.

For a definition of the symbols used in Composites (simple bounds) models, see symbols.



Summary of calculated properties and data required

(* = Particulate model only, ** = Unidirectional and quasi-isotropic models only)

Calculated Property Reinforcement properties required by calculation Matrix properties required by calculation
Density Density Density
Young's modulus Young's modulus Young's modulus
Flexural modulus Young's modulus Young's modulus
Shear modulus Shear modulus Shear modulus
Bulk modulus Bulk modulus Bulk modulus
Poisson's ratio Poisson's ratio Poisson's ratio
Yield strength Yield strength
Young's modulus*
Yield strength
Young's modulus*
Tensile strength Tensile strength
Young's modulus*
Tensile strength
Young's modulus*
Compressive strength Compressive strength
Young's modulus*
Compressive strength
Yield strength
Young's modulus*
Flexural strength Yield strength**
Compressive strength**
Flexural strength*
Young's modulus*
Yield strength**
Compressive strength**
Flexural strength*
Young's modulus*
Specific heat capacity Specific heat capacity
Specific heat capacity
Thermal expansion coefficient Thermal expansion coefficient
Young's modulus
Thermal expansion coefficient
Young's modulus
Thermal conductivity Thermal conductivity Thermal conductivity
Electrical resistivity Electrical resistivity Electrical resistivity
Dielectric constant Dielectric constant Dielectric constant
Dielectric loss tangent Dielectric loss tangent Dielectric loss tangent
Embodied energy Embodied energy
Embodied energy
CO2 footprint CO2 footprint
CO2 footprint

See also


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