Estimated and Not-Applicable Attributes

For selection data, all records in the database must have the same set of attributes, and it is critical that the database be complete (without missing data). But how do you treat a property that hasn't been measured yet,or an attribute that can't physically be measured for some materials?

  1. Estimated (*) values
  2. 'Not Applicable' values
    1. Functional attributes: 'Not Applicable' vs 'Out of Range'

Estimated (*) values

Not all attributes can be obtained from published sources. Some may not even have been measured. It is important for the operation of GRANTA EduPack that the database is complete (has no gaps or missing data; see Intelligent Data Checking and Estimation for further information). Therefore, GRANTA sometimes uses expert estimates of data values.

Estimated data values are marked on the datasheet with an asterisk, *. 

For an example, see the attribute 'CO2 footprint, primary production' in MaterialUniverse, or Click to see how estimates are denoted in a datasheetClick to see how estimates are denoted in a datasheet.

'Not Applicable' values

Some attributes are not relevant for some records; for example 'Dielectric Constant' for electrical conductors, since the dielectric constant is a property that is only relevant for electrical insulators.

These are shown as 'Not Applicable' under the attribute value on the datasheet.

By default, records with 'Not Applicable' as their data value fail selection stages based on that attribute. This setting can be changed on the Selection tab of the Settings dialog.

Functional attributes: 'Not Applicable' vs 'Out of Range'

The value of functional attributes is displayed as blank when 'Not Applicable', rather than displaying the text.

When the project parameter values are outside the data range specified by the (data stored in the) attribute, the attribute value is shown as 'Out Of Range'. Values that are 'Out Of Range' are considered to be 'Not Applicable' for the purposes of selection, and the same settings apply.