Create an eco audit project

To create a new eco audit project, click Eco Audit on the main toolbar. All stages and settings in the Product definition pane are optional, however, the more information you add, the more accurate the final report will be.

Some options will only be available if you are using an eco-enabled database. This is indicated by an enhanced Eco Audit icon on the main toolbar.

  1. Under Product Information, enter a name for the final product, and enter details on packaging size for including with cost analysis.
  2. Under Material, manufacture and end of life, enter information about each component used to make the end product:

  3. Enter further information about Joining and finishing processes:
  4. Under Transport, enter information about transporting and distributing the product. Type a transport stage name, select a transport type, and type distance traveled. You may enter numbered or named stages e.g. 1, 2, 3, or Factory to dock, Dock to dock (sea journey), Dock to distribution center, etc.
  5. Under Use, enter information about how the product is used during its lifetime, such as country of use, and information regarding energy use or further transportation during the product lifetime.
  6. Under Report, create a summary chart or detailed report by clicking the appropriate buttons.


For a more detailed explanation of each stage, click the help icon beside each stage heading.

To delete a component from the Bill of Materials, right-click the row header, and click Delete.

There are example eco audit projects installed with some CES EduPack editions in the '..\CES EduPack 2019\Samples\eco_audit' folder.

See also