Save a custom template

Save your template to use a custom subset in a different project.

  1. About templates
  2. Create a template
  3. Save a template

About templates

Each database has a number of templates associated with it. A template defines the data table, selection attributes, and record subset to use in a selection project. A number of standard templates are supplied with GRANTA EduPack, or you can create a custom template using the custom subset dialog. Save your template to use the custom subset in a different project.

All template files are saved in the installation directory, in the Templates subfolder located in the same folder as the relevant database file (.gdb). For example:

C:\Program Files (x86)\GRANTA EduPack\Database\<databasename>\Templates\

The standard templates supplied with GRANTA EduPack are grouped by data table. The headers in the Select from list correspond to the folder names within the Templates folder. You can save new templates in either the data table subfolder that the template applies to, or create a new subfolder to store your custom templates. Click to see an example Templates folderClick to see an example Templates folder

The folder names correspond to headers in the Select from list, and custom templates have been saved in a new Custom templates folder.

When you open a database, all templates saved within the relevant subfolder are available to use.

Create a template

Create a custom template by creating a custom subset, and specifying the records and attributes to use.

Save a template

  1. On the File menu, click Save Project As.
  2. Set the file type to Templates (*.cet).
  3. Specify the filename. This will be the name that appears in the list of templates in the Select from list.
  4. Save the file in a folder within the Templates folder.
    • For example, to create a new template for MaterialUniverse, save it in the folder C:\Program Files (x86)\GRANTA EduPack\Database\<databasename>\Templates\MaterialUniverse\.
  5. Restart GRANTA EduPack. Your new template will now be available in the Select from list. Click to see a Select from list with a custom templateClick to see a Select from list with a custom template

Note that step 4 of this process requires you to have administrator rights, or for GRANTA EduPack to be Run as administrator. If you did not start GRANTA EduPack using Run as administrator, then:

  1. Save the template in a folder that has write-access (for example, My Documents).
  2. Move the template to the correct folder using Windows File Explorer.