Find and compare similar records

This feature is not available with GRANTA EduPack 2020 Introductory.

You can find materials that have similar property values to a selected material. After finding similar records, you can then compare similar records, or apply additional selection criteria.

Use Find Similar when you want to substitute a material in your design but you don't know the specific design requirements.

  1. Find similar records
  2. Compare similar records
  3. Apply selection criteria to similar records
  4. Notes
  5. See also

Find similar records

  1. Locate the record of interest, and open the datasheet for this record.

  2. Click Find Similar in the datasheet toolbar. This sets the current record as the reference record. If there is an existing reference record, you will be asked if you wish to change the reference record.

    The Records Similar To window opens. It lists all the records in the data table, ranked according to their nearness to the reference record. The reference record is displayed at the top of the list.

After these steps, you can then compare similar records, or apply selection criteria.

Compare similar records

After finding similar records:

  1. In the Records Similar To window, select the check boxes for records you wish to compare to the reference record.

  2. Click Comparison. This opens the Comparison Table window with the selected records (up to a maximum of 20 records).

Apply selection criteria to similar records

After finding similar records:

  1. In the Records Similar To window, click Selection Project. This closes the Records Similar To window, and allows you to create additional selection stages, such as Chart, Limit, or Tree stages. Your selected records for comparison will still be checked.


Nearness to the reference record is calculated using the Nearness settings. It is shown as a percentage, with the Reference Record itself as 100%.

Find Similar can only be used on material records.

See also