Materials To Resist Fracture


Among mechanical engineers there is a rule-of-thumb: avoid materials with fracture toughnesses K1c less than 15 MPam1/2. Almost all metals pass: they have values of K1c in the range of 20–100 in these units. White cast iron, and a few powder metallurgy products fail; they have values around 10 MPam1/2. Ordinary engineering ceramics have fracture toughnesses in the range 1 – 6 MPam1/2; mechanical engineers view them with deep suspicion. But engineering polymers are even less tough, with K1c values in the range 0.5 – 3 MPam1/2, and yet engineers use them all the time. What is going on here?

When a brittle material is deformed, it deflects elastically until it fractures. The stress at which this happens is

equation, (M14.1)

where Kc is an appropriate fracture toughness, ac is the length of the largest crack contained in the material and C is a constant which depends on geometry, but is usually about 1. In a Load-limited design (Figure 14.1(a)) — a tension member of a bridge, say — the part will fail in a brittle way if the stress exceeds that given by equation (M14.1). Here, obviously, we want materials with high values of Kc.

But not all designs are load-limited; some are energy-limited; others are deflection limited (Figure 14.1 (b) and (c)). Then the criterion for selection changes. Consider, then, the three scenarios created by the three alternative constraints of Table 14.1.


Resist brittle fracture


Minimize volume (mass, cost...)


Design load specified
or Design energy specified
or Design deflection specified

Table 14.1 The design requirements

materials to resist fracture

Figure 14.1 (a) Load-limited design; (b) energy-limited design and (c) displacement-limited design.

The Model

Figure 14.1 shows, schematically, three classes of fracture-limited design. The tie, the beam and the pressure vessel of Figure 14.1 (a) are examples of load-limited design: each must carry a specified load or pressure without fracturing. Then the local stress must not exceed that specified by equation (M14.1) and — for minimum volume — the best choice of materials are those with high values of

equation. (M14.2)

It is usual to identify Kc with the plane-strain fracture toughness, corresponding to the most highly constrained cracking conditions, because this is conservative. For load-limited design using thin sheet, a plane-stress fracture toughness may be more appropriate; and for multi-layer materials, it may be an interface fracture toughness that matters. The point, though, is clear enough: the best materials for load-limited design are those with large values of Kc.

But not all design is load-limited. Springs, and containment systems for turbines and flywheels (Figure 14.1(b)) are energy-limited. Take the spring as an example. The elastic energy per unit volume stored in the spring is the integral over the volume of

equation. (M14.3)

For an axial spring — a rubber band for instance — it is exactly this quantity. The stress is limited by the fracture stress of equation (M14.1) so that the maximum energy the spring can store is

equation. (M14.4)

For a given initial flaw size, energy is maximized by choosing materials with large values of

equation. (M14.5)

where Jc is the toughness (usual units: kJ/m2).

There is a third scenario: that of displacement-limited design (Figure 14.1(c)). Snap-on bottle tops, snap together fasteners and such like are displacement-limited: they must strain enough to allow the snap-action without failure. The strain is related to the stress by

equation (M14.6)

and the stress is limited by the fracture equation (M14.1). Thus the maximum strain is

equation. (M14.7)

The best materials for displacement-limited design are those with large values of

equation. (M14.8)

The Selection

Figure 14.2 shows a Chart of fracture toughness, K1c, plotted against modulus E. It allows materials to be compared by values of fracture toughness, M1, by toughness, M2, and by values of the deflection-limited index M3. As the engineer's rule-of-thumb demands, almost all metals have values of K1c which lie above the 15 MPa.m1/2 acceptance level for load-limited design. Polymers and ceramics do not.

The line showing M2 on Figure 14.2 is placed at the value 1 kJ/m2. Materials with values of M2 greater than this have a degree of shock-resistance with which engineers feel comfortable (another rule-of-thumb). Metals, composites and some polymers qualify; ceramics do not. When we come to deflection-limited design, the picture changes again. The line shows the index M3 = K1c/E at the value 10-3m1/2. It illustrates why polymers find such wide application: when the design is deflection-limited, polymers — particularly nylons, polycarbonates and polystyrene — are as good as the best metals.

selection chart: Fracture Toughness vs Young's Modulus

Figure 14.2(a) A chart of fracture toughness, K1c, against Young's modulus, E, showing the index M1.

selection chart: Fracture Toughness vs Young's Modulus

Figure 14.2(b) A chart of fracture toughness, K1c, against Young's modulus, E, showing the index M2.

selection chart: Fracture Toughness vs Young's Modulus

Figure 14.2(c) A chart of fracture toughness, K1c/E, against Young's modulus, E, showing the index M3.

Design type, and rule-of-thumb


Load-limited design
K1c > 15 MPa.m1/2

Metals, polymer-matrix composites.

Energy-limited design
Jc > 1 kJ/m2

Metals, composites and some polymers.

Displacement-limited design
K1c/E > 10-3m1/2

Polymers, elastomers and some metals.

Table 14.2 Materials fracture-limited design


The figure gives further insights. The mechanical engineers' love of metals (and, more recently, of composites) is inspired not merely by the beauty of their K1c-values. They are good by all three criteria (K1c, K1c2/E and K1c/E). Polymers have good values of K1c/E but not the other two. Ceramics are poor by all three criteria. Herein lie the deeper roots of the engineers' distrust of ceramics.

Further Reading

Brock, D (1984) 'Elementary Engineering Fracture Mechanics' Martinus Nijhoff, Boston, USA.

  1. Materials for Springs

  2. Elastic Hinges and Couplings

  3. Safe Pressure Vessels