Using the Multi-layer Materials model

This feature is not available with GRANTA EduPack 2020 Introductory.
Background information and instructions for using the Synthesizer tool's Multi-layer Materials model, with links to more details about the underlying model.

  1. About the Multi-layer Materials model
  2. Using the Multi-layer Materials model
    1. Source records
    2. Model parameters
    3. Record naming
  3. Viewing synthesized records on a chart
  4. Example datasheet

About the Multi-layer Materials model

The Multi-layer Materials models predict the performance of laminates constructed from a range of materials, thicknesses, and numbers of layers. These models are particularly relevant to multi-layer barrier laminates used in packaging.

The aim of multi-layer material design is to combine the properties of different materials into one structure. For example, to combine the strength and stiffness of one material with the permeability of another material, to produce a multi-layer material that is stiff, strong, and has a low permeability to air or water.

The relative position of the different layers can have a significant impact on the performance of the final laminate. For example, under bending, the bottom surface is subjected to tensile loads and the top surface to compressive loads. These loads, which are at a maximum at the outer surfaces, reduce to zero at the neutral axis. In contrast, shear loads, which are zero at the outer surfaces, reach a maximum at the neutral axis.

The level of shear loading is typically an order of magnitude lower than the tensile/compressive loads at the outer surfaces, and so the flexural performance of multi-layer laminates is generally dictated by the tensile and compressive properties of the outer layers. This is one of the reasons why EVOH (ethylene vinyl alcohol), which is an excellent barrier to oxygen, is often used as the central layer in multi-layer flexible packaging where its relatively high stiffness has minimal influence on the flexibility of the final laminate.


Using the Multi-layer Materials model

Click on Synthesizer on the main toolbar and under Multi-layer Materials, click one of the models:

Source records

To select materials for each layer, click Browse. This displays the full MaterialUniverse tree for the active database. Browse the tree, highlight the material of interest and click OK.

The order of materials is important (i.e. which face is the top material and which the bottom) as the multi-layer will be anisotropic. The calculations for flexural modulus and strength assume that Layer 1 is the bottom layer and that when loaded the top face is in compression and the bottom face in tension.

Model parameters

For each Layer, type a Thickness. The current units are shown to the right of the box.

Record naming

For each Layer, type an abbreviated name. For example, if Layer 2 is Polypropylene, type PP. These are used to create the record names for the new multi-layer materials.

Viewing synthesized records on a chart

The synthesized records can be plotted on a chart for easy comparison with existing materials in the database.

Example datasheet

Values quoted on datasheet are for equivalent properties. Some properties have additional Notes fields underneath, for example Price has details of what is included in the estimate, and anisotropic properties state which direction the property value is applicable to.
