Using the Controlled Thermal Expansion model

This feature is not available with GRANTA EduPack 2020 Introductory.
Background information and instructions for using the Synthesizer tool's Controlled Thermal Expansion model, with links to more details about the underlying model.

  1. About the Controlled Thermal Expansion model
  2. Using the Controlled Thermal Expansion model
    1. Source records
    2. Model variables
    3. Model parameters
    4. Record naming
  3. Viewing synthesized records on a chart
  4. Example datasheet

About the Controlled Thermal Expansion model

The Controlled Thermal Expansion model predicts some of the properties exhibited by a novel type of lattice structure which uses two materials in a specific geometry to control the thermal expansion coefficient.

These lattices are still in the developmental stage and not commercially available. The Controlled Thermal Expansion model is a tool to investigate the theory and predict how this type of lattice may behave. Previous research work has been carried out on 2D lattices, however this model deals with 3D lattices.

The attraction of these lattices is that through optimization of the geometry (assuming suitable lattice materials have been chosen), the coefficient of thermal expansion can be controlled (it can be made zero or even negative). This is while remaining structurally robust, as they are stretch dominated lattices.

Using the Controlled Thermal Expansion model

Click on Synthesizer on the main toolbar and under Controlled Thermal Expansion Controlled Thermal Expansion, click Dual material lattice

Source records

Material 1 is used for the outer lattice; Material 2 is used for the inner lattice.

To select a lattice Material, click Browse. This displays the full MaterialUniverse tree for the active database. Browse the tree, highlight the material of interest and click OK.

If a low coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) is required then it is advisable to use a material with a lower CTE for the outer lattice (Material 1), and a material with a higher CTE for the inner lattice (Material 2).

Model variables

Specify the Offset angle (θ) of the outer lattice. This can be entered as either:

When a range is specified, the number of relative densities also needs to be specified in the Number of values box.

Specifying a list or range enables a family of lattices to be evaluated.

Model parameters

Specify the geometry of the lattice.

Enter the Size of the unit cell (L) of the outer lattice.

Enter a Strut diameter for Material 1 (the diameter of the beams of the outer lattice).

Enter a Strut diameter for Material 2 (the diameter of the beams of the inner lattice).

The units are shown to the right of the boxes.

The user can also specify a Target CTE (α) they wish the lattice to achieve. If this is possible with the materials chosen, then the model returns the optimum offset angle as a result in the notes field at the bottom of the datasheet.

Record naming

In the Material boxes, type the abbreviated name. For example, if your source record is Aluminum, type Al. These are used to create the record names for the new lattice.


Viewing synthesized records on a chart

The synthesized records can be plotted on a chart for easy comparison with existing materials in the database.

Example datasheet

Values quoted on datasheet are for equivalent properties. The Notes section records information on constituent materials and lattice geometry. Cannot be specified in selection projects. If possible for the geometry and materials, the model calculates the optimum offset angle for a given CTE and records it in the Notes.