Export to CAD/CAE

The data values from one or more material records can be exported from GRANTA EduPack to certain supported third-party CAD/CAE software packages.

  1. Export data from a record
  2. Supported CAD/CAE packages and data tables
  3. Export functional data from a record

Export data from a record

To export data from a record:

  1. Right-click a record name. If required, select multiple records using Shift+Click and Ctrl+Click before right-clicking.
    • Records can be exported from the right-click menu wherever they appear, including directly from the datasheet, the Browse Tree, the Results list, and the chart window.
  2. Click Export To.
  3. If required, edit the settings in the Export dialog.
  4. Click either Export to file or Export to clipboard.

Supported CAD/CAE packages and data tables

The following CAD/CAE software packages are currently supported:

Not all record data is exported; software package, model and data table determine which attributes are included.

Only records in MaterialUniverse can be exported.

Export functional data from a record

If a record contains functional series data relevant to the selected model, such as stress-strain curves, this is included when the record is exported. Typically, all available series will be exported, but some combinations of model and software package will export a single series or point.

The Project parameters relevant to the attribute determine which series or point is exported. To change the Project parameters, click on the Parameters link underneath the attribute name in the datasheet.

Note: If the Project parameters have not been set to appropriate values, data may be missing from the exported file, or the values may not be what you expect.